Yoni is sanskrit for womb or Sacred Portal!
A Yoni Egg is a semi precious stone that is carved into an egg shape that is placed in your Yoni. Using Yoni Eggs is an ancient sensual sacred spiritual practice. A Yoni Egg can be placed and worn in the vagina for many benefits of health for body, mind, and spirit. The Yoni Egg practice supports in vaginal wall tightening, orgasmic health, and energetic cleansing. I provide GIA and IGA Certified Yoni Eggs and each one comes with the Certification, a info pamphlet, and phone, email, or virtual consultation.
Yoni Eggs are not man made they come from the Earth and hold a natural power and energy that you embody when wearing it. Each crystal holds specific properties we amplify when incorperating a Yoni Egg practice in our lives.
Yoni Eggs have been used for thousands of years in ancient China and Egypt. It's traditional use was to increase vitality and highten sensual and sexual energy. Wearing a yoni egg is a great way to bring awareness to the womb, strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, orgasmic health, and prevent and treat many reproductive health issues.
I had given birth to my first child in 2009 at the Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia. From the beginning of this pregnancy journey I felt I wasn’t supported enough. The nurse who helped me through my pregnancy told me they were going to cut me, meaning the Dr.’s were going to cut me. I was confused but didn’t know what my options were. I had a completely healthy pregnancy, and wanted to give birth naturally but when I went to the hospital I ended up having an emergency C-section. The woman Dr. told me my hips just weren’t meant for giving birth.
I started my Yoni Egg journey in 2014. I began to deepen my Yoni Egg practice through the years. I worked with only undrilled Yoni Eggs because birthing it was important to me. Making it ritualistic and setting my intention in it gave me strength. Practicing with Yoni Eggs builds my personal power, brings awareness to my womb, and intuition. I respect and love the Earth and have always had a love for crystals and their healing properties. Yoni Eggs have helped build my personal power by reclaiming my womb.
I gave birth to my second child in 2018. This time around it was an all natural vaginal birth. I used these very hips, this vagaina, and my voice. I had a doula from ROOTT “Restoring Our Own Through Transformation” A black woman lead reproductive justice organization dedicated to the well being of woman and families in communities. I had the support and I had prepared for birth with my Yoni Egg practice for years along with meditation and Yoga. I was so excited I literally jumped out of the bed soon after giving birth with the happiness that came with the baby and gaining my own power back through birth.